Kellie Henriksen Photography

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Capturing the Magic: How to Prepare Your Kids for a Fun and Stress-Free Family Shoot

Hello there, beautiful families of Denver!

It's Kellie Henriksen, your friend and professional family portrait photographer. Today, I'm here to share some sparkling tips on how to prepare your little ones for a family photo session that's as joyful and stress-free as a sunny day in Wash Park.

As a mom, you know the importance of capturing those precious family moments. Whether it's the playful giggles of your toddlers or the sweet interactions between siblings, these are the memories you'll cherish forever. But let's be honest, preparing for a photo shoot with kids can sometimes feel a bit daunting. Worry not! With a little preparation, we can turn potential chaos into pure fun.

1. Timing is Everything

Choose a time when your children are usually at their best. For most little ones, morning hours work wonders. They're refreshed, recharged, and ready for adventure. Avoid nap times or late afternoons when energy levels (and moods) might dip.

2. Dress for Success – Comfort Meets Style

Pick outfits that are comfortable yet charming. Soft, flowing dresses for the girls and neat, comfy shirts for the boys can make them feel at ease and look great. Remember, happy kids are cooperative subjects! Stick to a color palette that complements each family member, enhancing the visual harmony of your portraits. Check out my What to Wear blog post for even more tips.

3. A Little Prep Talk Goes a Long Way

A few days before the shoot, start talking to your kids about the upcoming experience. Explain how much fun it will be. Show them my website or past family photos to get them excited about their own 'special day'. The more they understand, the more cooperative they'll be.

4. Snacks and Breaks Are Your Best Friends

Pack some light, non-messy snacks and water. A little break for a snack can work wonders in resetting moods and re-energizing everyone. Plus, it's a great incentive for those few more smiles!

5. Bring Along Their Favorite Toy or Book

A beloved toy or a book can be a great comfort object for younger children. It can help them feel secure and calm in a new setting. Plus, it can be a cute addition to your photos!

6. Practice Poses Just for Fun

Make a playful activity out of practicing poses or faces in the mirror. Encourage your kids to think of the photo session as a playtime with cameras. The more they practice, the more natural they'll feel in front of the lens.

7. Trust Your Photographer

Lastly, trust me, your photographer, to capture the magic. With years of experience photographing Denver's beautiful families, I know all the tricks to keep your kids engaged and happy during the shoot. Your job is to relax and enjoy the precious moments with your family.

Ready to create some beautiful memories? Let's make your next family shoot a delightful experience that you'll look back on with fondness and joy. Reach out today to schedule your session, and let’s capture the magic of your family’s story!