Self-Care for Busy Moms

self-care for busy moms

Moms are always busy. Whether taking care of the many needs of our families, managing household responsibilities, or juggling deadlines at work, the list is never-ending. Mamas are often so busy taking care of everyone else, they put their needs last.

It can be a struggle to find time to care for yourself with all the other tasks on your to-do list, but it’s so important to recharge your batteries from time to time. After all, if you don’t take care of yourself, it’s that much harder to care for everyone else.

When it comes time to get ready for a family portrait session, regular self-care can be incredibly important to keep things relaxed and help you enjoy the time with your family. Self-care looks different for everyone, but I’d like to share a few tips about self-care for busy moms that are easy to incorporate into a busy schedule and that many mamas can benefit from.

tips on self-care for busy moms

Get Regular Massages

When you think of self-care for busy moms, getting a massage may be the first thing that comes to mind, and for good reason. Massages are a great way to release muscle tension, promote relaxation, and treat body pain.

When you get massages regularly, you can help bring balance to your body and relieve stress long-term. Other physical long term-benefits include improved circulation, energy, and immune function, and lowered heart rate and blood pressure.

It’s amazing how relaxed and recharged you feel after a visit to a massage therapist. Just image how great you will feel if you make it part of your regular routine. We can all use more relaxation and less stress in our busy lives, and this is a great way to achieve that.

Pro tip: Schedule a massage the day before your family portrait session to be at your most relaxed!

busy mom self-care tips for family portrait sessions

Low-Maintenance Beauty

Many busy mamas don’t have much time to spend on their beauty routine, but they still want to look nice and feel put together.

For me personally, I don't wear makeup on a daily basis, but I do like to treat myself to getting my eyebrows done. This makes my life easier because I always have cute brows with minimal effort. Spending a little time and money on yourself for low-maintenance beauty delivers big benefits long-term.

This idea also applies to getting your nails done. When you go to a salon for a manicure or pedicure, it does take some extra time and money. It also, however, delivers the benefit of having nice-looking nails that last. Looking down and seeing nicely manicured nails can make a busy mama feel so much more put-together and ready to take on the day, or a family portrait session!

sibling portrait

Move Your Body

Speaking of low-maintenance beauty tips, there is no better glow than a post-workout glow. The long-term benefits of regular exercise on your physical and mental health are undeniable, so no matter how busy you are, it’s important to take the time to get your body moving.

There are so many ways to achieve this aside from a typical spin class or cardio session at the gym. If it’s tough to find time in your schedule to fit in exercise, you can try talking a walk with a friend during your lunch break, or wake up twenty minutes early for a quick morning yoga session to start the day. Even better, get your kids in on the action! Go for a family bike ride or take a nature walk together.

Do you ever just feel too tired to work out? Physical activity actually increases your energy level and promotes better sleep, so even while it might tire you out in the short run, in the long run you’re doing your body a lot of good.

Bonus tip: Don’t forget to drink lots of water and stay hydrated. Sometimes the smallest, simplest things make the biggest difference in how you feel!

Do What You Love

My last tip for self-care for busy moms is to find time to do what you love. This may be the hardest one to achieve, because it might feel selfish to do something fun just for ourselves.

For some, this type of self-care may look like reading a book, binge-watching your favorite show, or getting crafty. For others, it may look like catching up with friends, seeing your favorite band, or taking a class to learn something new. Whatever it is for you personally that fills your cup, find the time to have fun and do what makes your heart happy. This practice can bring so much more joy and energy to the rest of your life as well.

The key to self-care for busy moms is to make yourself a priority and treat yourself every so often. While you may feel a pang of guilt taking a little time away from your family in the short-term, the long-lasting effects of self-care for busy moms will help you enjoy your time together even more. When you are at your best, you get to share your best self with your loved ones, too. And when it comes time to capture memories in a family portrait session, the benefits will shine through in your beautiful smiles.

Treat yourself and your family to a family portrait session! Booking your session with me is easy.