The Impact of Colors in Family Portraits: A Stylistic Guide

Colors are more than just a part of the background in your family portraits; they set the mood, highlight your family’s personality, and can even tell a story on their own. When preparing for a family portrait session, choosing the right colors can be as crucial as the location or the time of day. In this guide, I will share with you how to select the perfect colors that not only flatter your family but also enhance the emotional tone of your portraits, making them unforgettable pieces of art.

Mom, Dad and two young brothers walking towards the camera during the family portrait session at South Valley Park in Littleton, CO

The Psychology of Color

Every color invokes a different emotion and can set a unique tone for your portrait. Soft blues and greens often evoke feelings of peace and tranquility, ideal for a calm, serene family photo. Bright colors like yellow or orange can inject a sense of joy and vibrancy, perfect for capturing the dynamism of a young family. Understanding these subtle psychological impacts can help you convey the right message through your portraits.

Color Coordination Tips

  1. Complement Your Home Décor:

    Since these portraits will likely adorn your walls, consider the color scheme of your home. Choosing colors that complement your interior design will ensure your portraits enhance your living spaces beautifully.

  2. Consider Seasonality:

    The season during which you take your portraits can guide your color choices. Earthy tones like browns and rusts are great for autumn, while pastels make a delightful choice for spring.

  3. Outfit Coordination:

    Opt for colors that coordinate well among all family members without exactly matching. This creates visual harmony without the uniform look, adding depth and interest to your portraits.

Choosing Colors Based on Setting

The location of your portrait plays a pivotal role in color selection. Outdoor settings with natural greenery invite you to choose colors that either stand out against or harmonize with nature, depending on the effect you’re aiming for. Urban settings offer a backdrop with a variety of textures and colors, from brick reds to concrete grays, allowing for bolder color contrasts.

Ideal Colors for Different Skin Tones

Selecting wardrobe colors that complement your family’s skin tones is essential for flattering portraits. Warmer colors can enhance warmer skin tones, while cooler colors might be best for those with cooler undertones. A professional photographer can help guide these choices to ensure everyone looks their best.

Colors play an integral role in family portrait photography, not just in the aesthetic appeal but in ensuring the photographs capture the essence of your family's spirit and the story you wish to tell. Whether you’re planning a relaxed photo session in the lush parks of Denver or a vibrant shoot in the city, consider these color tips to truly bring your family portraits to life.