How to Print & Display

You have your digital photos from your family portrait session, now what? (how to print and display your family portraits)

Once you get your digital photos back from your Denver family photographer, the next thing is to work out what you are actually going to do with them. This can be more difficult to get right than you might think. Knowing how to display and store them is just as important as getting the family portrait session right itself. This is something that you will want to research, in some detail, to ensure that you can do it as well as you would hope.

Wall gallery of 6 black frames with family portraits prints

Let’s look at some of the things you should bear in mind when it comes to your digital photos from your family portrait session, including how to print, frame and display those photographs.

Print Them

First of all, you are probably going to want to print the photographs from your family portraits in Denver session. Printing them out means you can then start to display them around your home much more easily. There is just something great about having physical items that you can hold and touch, rather than just digital ones. When you print them, make sure that you use a professional printer, to help ensure that the quality remains as high as possible. This is really important if you are going to make the most of those photos.

Frame Them

Good photos deserve good frames, and if you are not providing your photographs with the right kinds of frames you might struggle to really achieve the best look. Framing is an entire art in itself, and you will probably find that you want to get a professional to do this for you. Just as you went to a professional Denver family photographer for the family portrait session, you should seek out a photography framer who knows what they’re doing. This will ensure the best possible results for your photographs.

Place Them

Now that you have your photographs printed and framed, it’s time to decide where to put them. Obviously this is entirely up to you, but there are certainly some ideas which are better than others here, and it’s good to make sure that you are making the right decisions before you actually place those photos anywhere permanently. 

For most people with family portraits in Denver, the general approach will be to place the photographs around the home at various points, rather than having them all in one place.

A traditional way to do this is with a line of photographs that go around the walls, which the eye can follow casually. Another popular option is a collage effect. If you do want to go for the collage effect, then you might want to make the collage before framing, so that they are all together in that way. However you do it, just make sure that you are happy with the placement, and remember you can always change them around if necessary.

And there you have it - those are just a couple options of what to do with your digital photos from the family portrait session.